This is a current list of information about the different Subscription Boxes in Second Life. If you are not sure if you have paid or not for the month. You can click on a kiosk and see if you’ve subscribed or not by clicking on it and selecting check, because yeah I have forgotten if I had subscribed or not, lol Also if you check your groups and are in the group then you are subscribed, if within the pre-release time period.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subscription Name: Bish Box
Description: Women’s clothes for the wild and crazy as well as, accessories and appliers for mesh bodies.
Theme: May 2017 - Bad Kitty
May Edition Designers: Astralia, Black Bantam, Chic Moda, Come Soon Poses, Doe, [I<3F] & Co., Kibitz, Identity, le primitif, Nani, Pure Poison, Razor, Suicide Girls, [SYS], Yummy
Pre-Release Price: 1,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 1st and 19th
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 20th it can be found by going to Bish Box HQ.
SL Group Name: BishBox ←- Click for Group Key
Facebook: BishBoxSL
Flickr: MadPea Productions:
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: BishBox Headquarters: Can be bought here at the kiosk or redelivered here.
Buy Past Boxes At Store: YES
Web: Bish Box:
Past Boxes: December 2016 (Wild Winter), January 2017 (Glitz Glamour), February 2017 (Spunky Punk), March 2017 (Indie Chick), April 2017 (Grunge Queen)
Subscription Name: Builder’s Box
Description: Will be released quarterly (every three months) Homes, Skyboxes, and other buildings.
May Edition Designers: Aethis Creations, Big Bully, Kite, Lagom, Maru Kado, Pillows, Schultz Bros, Serenity Style, Spargle & Shine, Thistle Homes
SL Group Name: ←- Click for Group Key
Group Key:
Pre-Release Price: 2,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 1st and 8th
After Release Price: 3,000 L : After the 8th it can be found by going to headquarters.
Facebook: Buildersboxsl
Marketplace: Builder’s Box - Can be bought here.
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Builder's Box HQ: Can be bought here at the kiosk or redelivered here.
Past Boxes: None
Subscription Name: Cutie Loot
Description: Cute, Kawaii, Magical girls.
Pre-Release Price: 1,500 L: Must buy on Marketplace between 24th and 7th
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 8th it can be found by going to
Group Name: Cutie Loot ←- Click for Group Key
Facebook: CutieLootsl
Flickr: Cutie Loot
Marketplace: Cutie Loot Store
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Cutie Loot HQ
Redelivery Terminal: YES
Buy Past Boxes At Store: No - On Cutie Loot Marketplace: Yes
Plurk: @Cutie Loot
Past Boxes: March Cutie Loot 2017, April Cutie Loot 2017, May Cutie Loot 2017
Subscription Name: Luxe Box
Description: Women’s clothes, accessories, appliers for mesh bodies.
Pre Release Price: 1,500 L: Must join group between 1st and 14th by
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After can be found by going to Luxe Box Boutique during the 15th to 26th, then it resets and they kick everyone out of the group for a new round.
Group Name: Luxe Box (luxboxsl) ←- Click for Group Key
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Luxe Box Boutique
Subscription Name: Deco(C)rate
Description: Home and Garden items
SL Group Name: Deco(C)rate ←- Click for Group Key
Theme: May 2017 - Modern Minimalism
Next Month: May 2017: Modern Minimalist
Pre-Release Price: 1,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 1st and 8th
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 8th it can be found by going to Deco(C)rate headquarters.
Facebook: Decocratesl
Flickr: Deco(C)rate
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Deco(C)rate Headquarters : Can be bought here at the kiosk or redelivered here.
Redelivery Terminal: YES
Buy Past Boxes At Store: YES
Past Boxes: November 2016 (November Rain), December 2016 (Winter Nostalgia), January 2017 (Frozen Elegance), February 2017 (Timeless Romance), March 2017 (Bohemian Bliss), April 2017 (Through the Looking Glass), May 2017 (Modern Minimalism)
Subscription Name: Powder Pack for Catwa
Description: Makeup appliers for Catwa mesh heads.
SL Group Name: PowderPack ←- Click for Group Key
Theme: May 2017 - None
May Edition Designers: #adored, Amara Beauty, Atelier Pepe, DeeTaleZ, Essences, Glam Affair, IZZIE'S, Just Magnetized, Modish, [Pink Fuel], SlackGirl, Zibska
Pre-Release Price: 1,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 1st and 16th (close at midnight slt)
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 16th it can be found by going to headquarters.
Facebook: Powder Pack
Flickr: Powder Pack
Marketplace: Powder Pack:
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Powder Pack Headquarters: Can be bought here at the kiosk or redelivered here.
Redelivery Terminal: YES
Buy Past Boxes At Store: YES or Marketplace.
Web: Powder Pack
Past Boxes: January 2017 Powder Pack, February 2017 Powder Pack, March 2017 Powder Pack, April 2017 Powder Pack
Subscription Name: Powder Pack for Lelutka
Description: Makeup appliers for Lelutka mesh heads.
SL Group Name: PowderPack: ←- Click for Group Key
Theme: May 2017 - None
April Edition Designers: #adored, !Imabee, Amara Beauty, Essences, IZZIE"S, Modish, [Pink Fuel],SLACKGIRL, Studio Exposure Makeup, The Face, YS&YS, Zibska
Pre Release Price: 1,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 16th to End of the Month
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 1st it can be found by going to Headquarters.
Facebook: PowderPackSL
Flickr: Powder Pack
Marketplace: Powder Pack Store:
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Powder Pack Headquarters: Can be bought here at kiosk or redelivered here.
Redelivery Terminal: YES and on Marketplace
Buy Past Boxes At Store: YES and on Marketplace
Past Boxes: March 2017 Lelutka Powder Pack, April 2017 Lelutka Powder Puff ( You can buy this at Headquarters)
Subscription Name: Treasure Chest
Description: Roleplayers, Steampunk, Apocalyptic Survivalist, Post Modern AI's and Fantasy.
SL Group Name: Treasure Chest SL ←- Click for Group Key
Pre Release Price: 1,500 L: Must pay Kiosk between the 1st to the 14th
After Release Price: 3,000 L: After the 15 it can be found by going to group notices and on the 26th they will clear the group out again for next round.
2nd Group: Treasure Chest Seekers: Info, announcements and sneak peeks.
Facebook: Treasure Chest
Flickr: Treasure Chest Second Life
Landmark for SL or Kiosk: Treasure Chest HQ
Redelivery Terminal: YES
Buy Past Boxes At Store: YES
Plurk: They recommend following Jalynne Ohmai and Elroth
Web: Treasure Chest
Twitter: Treasure Chest SL
Discontinued Subscription Boxes:
1. Swag Bag: February 2017 was last one.
2. Treasure Chest: March 2017 was last one.
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